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Modern Slavery

This statement on
Modern Slavery 2022/2023
is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015


Modern Slavery is a criminal activity, a gross violation of fundamental human rights and a growing concern. This Modern Slavery Statement (Statement) made on behalf of En Route International Limited pursuant to Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Act). This Statement is made in relation to the financial year ending 31 March 2023. References to the terms ‘we’ and ‘our’ are used in this Statement to refer to En Route International Limited.

Modern Slavery includes trafficking in persons, slavery, servitude, forced marriage, forced labour, debt bondage, the worst forms of child labour, and deceptive recruiting for labour or services (Modern Slavery). Modern Slavery is a global issue, a criminal activity, a gross violation of fundamental human rights and a growing concern. Recognising that every area of business has the potential to be impacted by this issue, the Group has implemented a policy for the prevention, detection, and reporting of Modern Slavery in all aspects of its business and supply chains. As a global organisation, the Group takes our moral and ethical obligation to combat Modern Slavery very seriously.

We are committed to preventing acts of Modern Slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its own business or in any of its supply chains and expects the same high standards from all its contractors, suppliers, and other business partners.

Organisational Structure and Operations

We form part of the group consisting of Emirates, dnata, dnata World Travel and together with their subsidiaries (the Emirates Group) whose head office is in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates Group is an international organisation with business interests in aviation, air services, education, retail, travel, and hospitality, employing people from more than 160 countries across our business units and associated firms. You can learn more about the Emirates Group on our website.

Emirates is one of the world’s largest international airlines, connecting millions of passengers each year across six continents. Operating a young and modern aircraft fleet, it is widely recognised for its high-quality innovative products and services.

dnata is one of the largest air service providers in the world offering ground handling, cargo, travel, catering and retail services in 34 countries across six continents. dnata is the ultimate parent company of En Route International Limited.

En Route International Limited provides high quality products and services for the travel catering industry. You can learn more about our business on our website, accessible here.

Actions Taken to Combat Slavery Risks

En Route International Limited are committed to monitoring for and avoiding Modern Slavery in its operation and has developed and implemented those policies, processes and actions discussed below.

Our Policies on Combatting Slavery

We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships. We are proud to adhere to the Emirates Group policy on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking which advocates a zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery. A copy of the Group’s policy on Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking can be found on our website.

En Route International Limited expects our suppliers, subcontractors, and consultants to respect and adhere to our values and ethical standards of conduct. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out our expectations and governing principles on a number of matters including those related to Modern Slavery. Suppliers we engage with are expected to accept and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct. A copy of the Supplier Code of Conduct can be accessed on our website.

Due Diligence Processes for Combatting Slavery

We recognise that we cannot unilaterally solve the problem of Modern Slavery. However, to aid our efforts, we have processes in place to assess risk, undertake due diligence and effect remediation. Our due diligence processes are supported by our whistle-blower protection policy which encourages ‘speaking out’ against illegal and unsafe practices.

We are part of a group that is continuously evolving and improving. As part of this journey, practices and procedures will be adapted over time as their effectiveness is periodically reviewed. Our current due diligence practices consist of getting to know our suppliers through our supplier on-boarding procedures, identifying suppliers where there is a known heightened risk of Modern Slavery and considering appropriate measures to mitigate the risk and take remedial action as deemed appropriate (including termination of suppliers).


Our people play a key role in mitigating the risk of modern Slavery within our operations and supply chain and accordingly our employees have access to online training and resources highlighting Modern Slavery risk including videos, case studies, checklists and other industry specific material.

Further Steps to Prevent Modern Slavery

We are committed to continuous improvement to address the challenging and complex issue that is Modern Slavery.

Following our review of the effectiveness of the steps we have taken during FY22-23 to combat Modern Slavery in our business or supply chains, we intend to continue to build upon our existing policies and procedures to strengthen and reinforce our commitment to addressing these risks within our business.

The above Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors.


En Route MD Sign off

Nick Wiley
Managing Director
En Route International Limited
18 September 2023

* Group means dnata, dnata world travel and Emirates, together with their subsidiaries. En Route International means En Route International Limited and its subsidiaries En Route International Australia Pty Ltd, En Route International USA Inc, En Route Belgium NV, En Route International General Trading LLC (Dubai) and En Route International Limited International Limited (Hong Kong).